In the summer of 2020, a group of residents from Bloor West, Swansea and Roncesvalles banded together to start the Bloor West “Loaves and Fishes” Food Bank out of St. Pius X Church. We were brought together by the Neighbours Helping Neighbours Project out of Windermere Church and with the help of Redeemer Lutheran Church for start up funds.
Every Friday from 12:30 noon -3:00 PM, food is provided to anyone who needs it. Since opening our doors on August 7th, 2020 we have grown from serving 10 households to more than 350 served weekly.
Food is provided every week from the Daily Bread Food Bank and Second Harvest. In addition to these deliveries, we also receive donations from local businesses such as Cobs Bread Bakery, Meaty Eats, Snappers, No Frills, and many others listed at the bottom of the page.
Our food bank would not be possible without the support of an amazing team of volunteers from many different communities.
2305 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, Canada
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